Data Subject Verification Made


Say goodbye to non-compliant and unsecure ID card copies. Verify your customers’ identities using their eID. Ensuring strong & GDPR-compliant verification. No more messy copies or excessive information — just a streamlined easy process.

Say goodbye to non-compliant and unsecure ID card copies. Verify your customers’ identities using their eID. Ensuring strong & GDPR-compliant verification.


Over 2K+ Active User's


eID Verification

making compliance a breeze

With effortless eID verification, staying compliant has never been easier. Our solution streamlines the process by securely verifying customer identities using trusted eID systems, ensuring you collect only verified and necessary data.

Intuitiv interface for making identification requests

Ready for SME's as well as large enterprises.

eID identification available for most EU / EEA countries

Tailored pricing for your needs, even pay-as-you-go

Broad Coverage

across Europe

We work together with more than 20 providers for a coverage across Europe providing a suitable eID for your customer, domestic or international.

0 +

Easy & Simple


An email and a name, that’s it. We will handle the rest! 


Provide details

Give us the details of your customer so we can reach your customer. An email and name do not suit your usecase? No worries, we can SMS too!



Your customer will strongly identify him/herself using the eID of their choice through a straightforward interface.


We notify you

We will let you know the results of the identification by your customer. You now have succesfully idintified your customer with confidence.


Designed for SMEs and large enterprises alike, our platform adapts to your needs. Perform occasional verifications or manage high-volume checks seamlessly as your business grows.

Use & Brand It Your Way

Tailor our platform to fit your needs, including custom branding. Ensure a professional, trusted experience for your customers that reflects your business.

We Grow Together

As your verification numbers grow, our platform grows with you. You can start small and easily add extra features later on. We can even customise especially for you!

Cost Efficient



We have pricing options fitting everyones need, ranging from pay-as-you-go to premium and custom enterprise plans.


Essential features you need to get started risk free.


Perfect for small & medium sized businesses.

Everything in Pay-as-you-go, plus:


Advanced features for more customization.
Everything in Pro,


Dedicated support & infrastructure fitting you.
Everything in Premium, plus:

Need something custom?

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